if you want people to text you you should just text them yourself

if you want people to text
you you should just text them yourself  Captain Hindsight

If you slept like baby does that mean you woke up in the middle of the night and cried?

If you slept like baby does that mean you woke up in the middle of the night and cried?  Philosoraptor

Fails first test That's ok, my homework grade will be good

Fails first test That's ok, my homework grade will be good  College Freshman

hears someone speaking russian shit's about to get real

hears someone speaking russian shit's about to get real  Paranoid Parrot

Student asks difficult question Proceeds to ignore the question, talk about something completely different, then asks, "Did that answer your question?"

Student asks difficult question Proceeds to ignore the question, talk about something completely different, then asks,

tissues at front of class I'll just wipe my nose on my sleeves for 80 minutes

tissues at front of class I'll just wipe my nose on my sleeves for 80 minutes  Socially Awkward Penguin

Being spoken to by two people at once Carries on both conversations at the same time so nobody feels left out

Being spoken to by two people at once Carries on both conversations at the same time so nobody feels left out  Good Guy Greg

You did a great job on that paper! B-

You did a great job on that paper! B-  Engineering Professor

Didn't do the homework Teacher doesn't collect it

Didn't do the homework Teacher doesn't collect it  Success Kid

When god gives you lemons, make lemonade False. When god gives you lemons, take pictures with him

When god gives you lemons, make lemonade False.
When god gives you lemons, take pictures with him  Schrute