Steals candy from baby prevents future diabetes

Steals candy from baby prevents future diabetes  Helpful Tyler Durden

My HDTV is too thin The Wii sensor bar falls off

My HDTV is too thin The Wii sensor bar falls off  First World Problems

What if lamps suck dark instead of produce light

What if lamps suck dark instead of produce light  conspiracy keanu

stop at crosswalk to let car pass Car stops anyway

stop at crosswalk to let
car pass Car stops anyway  Socially Awkward Penguin

get super high get kicked out of the zoo for trying to make lions and tigers chase a laser pointer

get super high get kicked out of the zoo for trying to make lions and tigers chase a laser pointer  Stoner Dog

Imagines you doing something incredibly embarrassing in public Produces intense feelings of shame and self-loathing

Imagines you doing something incredibly embarrassing in public Produces intense feelings of shame and self-loathing  Scumbag Brain

Sleeps in still wakes up before noon

Sleeps in still wakes up before noon  Success Kid

I don't always take out the recycling but when I do, I look like a raging alcoholic.

I don't always take out the recycling but when I do, I look like a raging alcoholic.  The Most Interesting Man In The World

i'm condescending that means i talk down to you

i'm condescending that means i talk down to you  Creepy Wonka

I can't fit leftovers in the fridge because I have too much food

I can't fit leftovers in the fridge  because I have too much food  First World Problems