What if oxygen makes our voices deeper and helium brings it back to normal

What if oxygen makes our voices deeper and helium brings it back to normal  conspiracy keanu

Oh, you have a degree in dance? I'll have the grand slam, please

Oh, you have a degree in dance? I'll have the grand slam, please  Creepy Wonka

Not sure if I want to go to physics class Or fuck my sister

Not sure if I want to go to physics class Or fuck my sister  Futurama Fry

Find lost phone, missed call It was from me when i was trying to find it

Find lost phone, missed call It was from me when i was trying to find it  Forever Alone

It's okay dude! You totally remembered to finish all your homework that's due tomorrow! Or did you?

It's okay dude! You totally remembered to finish all your homework that's due tomorrow! Or did you?  Scumbag Brain

was a lazy college freshman, sophomore, and Junior why change now

was a lazy college freshman, sophomore, and Junior why change now  Lazy College Senior

pumping gas stopped it at even dollar amount

pumping gas stopped it at even dollar amount  Success Kid

Smokes with a group of people doesn't tell them he has a cold

Smokes with a group of people doesn't tell them he has a cold   Scumbag Steve

Not sure if ass sweat or period

Not sure if 
ass sweat or period  Foul Bachelorette Frog

i don't always try to synchronize my microwave clock with my oven clock but when I do, it's the longest minute ever

i don't always try to synchronize my microwave clock with my oven clock but when I do, it's the longest minute ever  The Most Interesting Man In The World