Got bullied by mean kid relentlessly fucked his sister

Got bullied by mean kid relentlessly fucked his sister  Success Kid

You read Twilight? You must know everything there is to know about vampires and werewolves

You read Twilight? You must know everything there is to know about vampires and werewolves  Condescending Wonka

Not sure if found lost sock Or just lost another to make pairs even again

Not sure if found lost sock Or just lost another to make pairs even again  Futurama Fry

NEW IPHONE IS COMING OUT Looks like i'm spending next few nights Assembling it

Looks like i'm spending next few nights Assembling it  Second World Success

Her water just broke? Lubrication

Her water just broke? Lubrication  Insanity Wolf

Vegan."oh i dont smoke weed, i'm a health freak" gets drunk every weekend


i got you a tie rack for christmas now you don't have to hang them on your doorknob anymore

i got you a tie rack for christmas now you don't have to hang them on your doorknob anymore  Sexually Oblivious Rhino

UPS Guy rings doorbell, leaves a package. Wait until he's gone to open the door to get it.

UPS Guy rings doorbell, leaves a package. Wait until he's gone to open the door to get it.  Socially Awkward Penguin

I prefer a little virgin olive oil with my bread

I prefer a little virgin olive oil with my bread  Ordinary Muslim Man

Bullshits an entire essay in no time Can't come up with a creative title if its life depended on it

Bullshits an entire essay in no time Can't come up with a creative title if its life depended on it  Scumbag Brain