comes home drunk at 2:30 AM sets off fire alarms cooking your food

comes home drunk at 2:30 AM sets off fire alarms cooking your food  Scumbag Steve

1500 word paper to write? Fuck that, 5580 words about ponies instead

1500 word paper to write? Fuck that, 5580 words about ponies instead  Rainbow Dash

Got a Raise Now make 11 cents an hour

Got a Raise Now make 11 cents an hour  Second World Success

Spooning with boyfriend as the little spoon * fart *

Spooning with boyfriend as the little spoon * fart *  Foul Bachelorette Frog

Sneezed while driving Didn't crash

Sneezed while driving Didn't crash  Success Kid

got job doing what i love no fucking drug test

got job doing what i love no fucking drug test  Success Kid

Cat pictures for your reddit birthday? I'll help you celebrate

Cat pictures for your reddit birthday? I'll help you celebrate  Downvoting Roman

says he's sorry he can't afford a ferrari. can own a ferrari.

says he's sorry he can't afford a ferrari. can own a ferrari.  Scumbag Cee-Lo Green


MAC ADDRESS? I HAVE A PC  Tech Impaired Duck

'Optional Assignment' No.

'Optional Assignment' No.  Lazy College Senior