Skip class sit alone drinking beer surrounded by old people

Skip class sit alone drinking beer surrounded by old people  Lazy College Senior

sees one hit left in the bowl acts like he hits it and gives it back to you with one hit left

sees one hit left in the bowl acts like he hits it and gives it back to you with one hit left   Good Guy Greg

I see you're proclaiming how you became atheist You must be an incredibly deep and complex person

I see you're proclaiming how you became atheist You must be an incredibly deep and complex person  Condescending Fox

Sees whiteboard on someone's door draws dicks on it

Sees whiteboard on someone's door draws dicks on it  College Freshman

airplane has wifi? watch videos of plane crashes

airplane has wifi? watch videos of plane crashes  Insanity Wolf

Oh look, you're making fun of nickelback what exquisite musical tastes you have

Oh look, you're making fun of nickelback what exquisite musical tastes you have  Condescending Fox

Asks you if you're a cop Pulls a gun on you to make sure

Asks you if you're a cop Pulls a gun on you to make sure  Insanity Wolf

I see you paid $50,000 for that college degree best I can pay you is $7.25 an hour

I see you paid $50,000 for that college degree best I can pay you is $7.25 an hour  Pawn Star

Didn't study for test Teacher's absent

Didn't study for test Teacher's absent   Success Kid

Was told Wiki is not a reliable source Apparently 8 year old text books are more congruent...

Was told Wiki is not a reliable source Apparently 8 year old text books are more congruent...  Lazy College Senior