See friend at a distance not sure when to wave

See friend at a distance not sure when to wave  Socially Awkward Penguin

What if there's only one redditor who has all the accounts except yours?

What if there's only one redditor who has all the accounts except yours?  conspiracy keanu

Send incriminating Text Check that I sent it to the right person

Send incriminating Text Check that I sent it to the right person  Paranoid Parrot

damn straight I'm packing This gift carefully so it isn't damaged in transit

damn straight I'm packing This gift carefully so it isn't damaged in transit  Successful Black Man

Not sure if i miss the 90's or just miss being a kid

Not sure if i miss the 90's or just miss being a kid  Futurama Fry

Your Phone has more computing power than apollo 11? It must make your trips to the moon much easier

Your Phone has more computing power than apollo 11? It must make your trips to the moon much easier  Unimpressed Astronaut

taking statistics 101 thinks he could be a professional gambler

taking statistics 101 thinks he could be   a professional gambler  College Freshman

you molested by assistant coach? why not by head coach!

you molested by assistant coach? why not by head coach!  High Expectations Asian Father

Today I Learned what TIL stands for

Today I Learned  what TIL stands for  Slowpoke

says hi to waving bicyclist turn signal

says hi to waving bicyclist turn signal  Socially Awkward Penguin