Clearly understands what someone said Still forces you to say "huh?"

Clearly understands what someone said Still forces you to say

needs 30 minutes for a 2 sentence text message

needs 30 minutes for a 2 sentence text message  Socially Awkward Penguin

The quickest way to a Man's heart is through his stomach. False. The quickest way is through his ribcage.

The quickest way to a Man's heart is through his stomach. False.
The quickest way is through his ribcage.  Schrute

Have too much cash now my wallet wont close

Have too much cash now my wallet wont close  First World Problems

Holiday in France McDonald's for a week

Holiday in France McDonald's for a week  Happy American Family

Was the invention of the shovel ground breaking?

Was the invention of the shovel ground breaking?  Philosoraptor

Introduce GIrl you like to friends, be nervous she won't like them oh no, she likes them too much

Introduce GIrl you like to friends, be nervous she won't like them oh no, she likes them too much  Socially Awkward Penguin

You had an eight hour flight? you must be exhausted

You had an eight hour flight? you must be exhausted  Unimpressed Astronaut

Need to refill the britta filter but the dirty dishes are piled too high

Need to refill the britta filter but the dirty dishes are piled too high  First World Problems

Hit me with your wet spot

Hit me with your wet spot  Wrong Lyrics Christina