ACDC? Why not AAAA?

ACDC? Why not AAAA?  High Expectations Asian Father

None of my friends want to smoke Now I have to smoke all this bud by myself

None of my friends want to smoke Now I have to smoke all this bud by myself  First World Problems

Finishes one sentence of paper Good reason to surf REDDIT

Finishes one sentence of paper Good reason to surf REDDIT  Lazy College Senior

share song on facebook - 0 likes Friend posts same song 2 weeks later - big hit

share song on facebook - 0 likes Friend posts same song 2 weeks later - big hit  Forever Alone

Use cough to cover fart in class Cough way too early

Use cough to cover fart in class Cough way too early  Socially Awkward Penguin

What's easier to pick up the heavier it gets? women

What's easier to pick up the heavier it gets? women  Pickup-Line Panda

you put a U.S. flag in your lawn? That's cute

you put a U.S. flag in your lawn? That's cute  Unimpressed Astronaut

If her age is on the clock she's old enough for cock

If her age is on the clock  she's old enough for cock  Pedobear

RIP *her own name* 1994-2011 like if you would have cared

RIP *her own name* 1994-2011 like if you would have cared  Annoying Facebook Girl

no empty urinals? share

no empty urinals? share    Insanity Wolf