Destroyed expired credit card Break it down in several pieces and throw them in different trash cans so no one can put it back together

Destroyed expired credit card Break it down in several pieces and throw them in different trash cans so no one can put it back together  Paranoid Parrot

Start same sentence 3 times someone talks over you every time

Start same sentence 3 times someone talks over you every time  Socially Awkward Penguin

Haven't worn make-up in a week No one has asked me if I was sick or tired.

Haven't worn make-up in a week No one has asked me if I was sick or tired.  Success Kid

Wear a bikini top outside and no one bats an eye Wear a bra outside and everyone loses their minds

Wear a bikini top outside and no one bats an eye Wear a bra outside and everyone loses their minds  Joker Mind Loss

introduced two of my friends to each other now worried they'll be better friends with each other than with me

introduced two of my friends to each other now worried they'll be better friends with each other than with me  Paranoid Parrot

My Mansion's Driveway Is So Big People Keep Mistaking it for a road

My Mansion's Driveway Is So Big People Keep Mistaking it for a road  First World Problems

Girls can say they are too tired for sex and no one bats an eye But when a guy says hes exhausted from manual labour all day EVERYBODY LOSES THeir minds!

Girls can say they are too tired for sex and no one bats an eye But when a guy says hes exhausted from manual labour all day EVERYBODY LOSES THeir minds!  Joker Mind Loss

When I was a kid, my best friend spoke mandarin at home when I met his parents I said, sorry I don't speak orange

When I was a kid, my best friend spoke mandarin at home when I met his parents I said, sorry I don't speak orange  Confession kid

Vader means father in German George Lucas gives away the whole trilogy in the first few minutes of the first episode

Vader means father in German George Lucas gives away the whole trilogy in the first few minutes of the first episode   Sudden Clarity Clarence

have been addicted to crack for almost 5 years just got a new bag of crack

have been addicted to crack for almost 5 years  just got a new bag of crack  Success Kid