Got out of the car on a 90 degree day No boob sweat

Got out of the car on a 90 degree day No boob sweat  Success Kid

That trendy half shaved hairstyle Is the mullet of our generation

That trendy half shaved hairstyle
 Is the mullet of our generation  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Leaves a pile of trash in a classroom "That's what we have janitors for."

Leaves a pile of trash in a classroom

The whole meteor hitting the earth thing confuses me. how did it kill all of the dinosaurs but not the humans?

The whole meteor hitting the earth thing confuses me.  how did it kill all of the dinosaurs but not the humans?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Your steak is too bloody? Give it one of your tampons

Your steak is too bloody? Give it one of your tampons  overly manly man

Pour me a glass of whiskey, son i have to take me heart medication.

Pour me a glass of whiskey, son i have to take me heart medication.  overly manly man

Tells students to get a print source from the library for a research paper Library no longer carries books on the subject, Gives everyone F's for using photocopies found online

Tells students to get a print source from the library for a research paper Library no longer carries books on the subject, Gives everyone F's for using photocopies found online  Unhelpful High School Teacher

WHEN I WAS A KID... I thought people who drove convertibles were poor and couldn't afford a roof

WHEN I WAS A KID... I thought people who drove convertibles were poor and couldn't afford a roof  Confession kid

friend is getting yelled at by parent awkwardly pet the dog

friend is getting yelled at by parent awkwardly pet the dog  Socially Awkward Penguin

If you Diagnose yourself using webmd You're gonna have Cancer

If you Diagnose yourself using webmd You're gonna have Cancer  Super Cool Ski Instructor