I don't put my ipod on shuffle but when I do, i realize i hate half the music on my ipod

I don't put my ipod on shuffle but when I do, i realize i hate half the music on my ipod  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Gets shot playing cops and robbers "You missed! I had my force-field up."

Gets shot playing cops and robbers

Can't open your ms word paper Doesn't tell you and gives you an F

Can't open your ms word paper Doesn't tell you and gives you an F  Scumbag Teacher

You sleep with your phone? when i was your age i slept with girls

You sleep with your phone? when i was your age i slept with girls  overly manly man

Shirt has wrinkles? Wearing it should fix that

Shirt has wrinkles? Wearing it should fix that  Foul Bachelor Frog

every book you've ever read is a combination of 26 different letters

every book you've ever read is a combination of 26 different letters  10 Guy

I survived the Depression, D-Day and lung cancer You will survive your girlfriend dumping you

I survived the Depression, D-Day and lung cancer You will survive your girlfriend dumping you  overly manly man

ive been trying to eat less, so i ordered one taco instead of 2 because of the long wait, the lady at the window gave me a free side and a second taco for free

ive been trying to eat less, so i ordered one taco instead of 2 because of the long wait, the lady at the window gave me a free side and a second taco for free  First World Problems

We had a study abroad when I was a kid... We called it Vietnam

We had a study abroad when I was a kid... We called it Vietnam  overly manly man

Complains about getting household goods for Mother's Day Gets Dad a hedge trimmer for Father's Day

Complains about getting household goods for Mother's Day Gets Dad a hedge trimmer for Father's Day  Sheltering Suburban Mom