Grammar corrected by german girl calls her a grammar nazi

Grammar corrected by german girl calls her a grammar nazi  Socially Awkward Penguin

So you're saying that even though i share a single room hut with my parents and seven siblings, i still have more privacy than you?

So you're saying that even though i share a single room hut with my parents and seven siblings, i still have more privacy than you?  Skeptical Third World Kid

calls me after hours to ask me to ride in a limo to go see the rolling stones after work

calls me after hours to ask me to ride in a limo to go see the rolling stones after work  Good Guy Boss

Am i the only one around here Who likes the cake more than the icing?

Am i the only one around here Who likes the cake more than the icing?  Am I The Only One Around Here

My parents lived better with a High School diploma than I do with a 4 year degree

My parents lived better with a High School diploma than I do with a 4 year degree  Sudden Clarity Clarence

having a problem with someone in your life? post a passive-aggressive meme. that should fix everything.

having a problem with someone in your life? post a passive-aggressive meme. that should fix everything.  Malicious Advice Mallard

Makes fun of immigrants who don't speak perfect english doesn't know a single sentence in any other language

Makes fun of immigrants who don't speak perfect english doesn't know a single sentence in any other language  Scumbag Steve

I told every girlfriend I've had for the past 5 years that I have never came from a blowjob They all try to be the first to make me, and they feel like they accomplished something when I do.

I told every girlfriend I've had for the past 5 years that I have never came from a blowjob They all try to be the first to make me, and they feel like they accomplished something when I do.  Confession Bear

All the single ladies stop saying you should just give up and get a cat. If no man wants you, don't force an innocent cat to live with you.

All the single ladies stop saying you should just give up and get a cat. If no man wants you, don't force an innocent cat to live with you.  First World Cat Problems

Air conditioner at work broken Hot co worker takes off shirt and leaves only skimpy tank on

Air conditioner at work broken Hot co worker takes off shirt and leaves only skimpy tank on  Success Kid