Free Coffee At Work I Hate the Way It Tastes

Free Coffee At Work I Hate the Way It Tastes  First World Problems

The bell rings in 30 seconds and you're wearing sweatpants? Here, have an erection

The bell rings in 30 seconds and you're wearing sweatpants? Here, have an erection  Scumbag Brain

i dont always like things on facebook, but when I do, it's to end a conversation

i dont always like things on facebook, but when I do, it's to end a conversation  The Most Interesting Man In The World

I teach my kids to be accepting of other cultures As long as they're christian

I teach my kids to be accepting of other cultures As long as they're christian  Sheltering Suburban Mom

How did the hipster burn his tongue? He drank his coffee before it was cool.

How did the hipster burn 
his tongue? He drank his coffee before it was cool.  Bad Joke Eel

I'll do this over the weekend, the week is busy enough already I'll do it this week, it's the weekend, i should relax

I'll do this over the weekend, the week is busy enough already I'll do it this week, it's the weekend, i should relax  Lazy College Senior

"You don't have to get me anything for Valentine's Day" IT'S A TRAP!

girlfriend dumped me before i bought her a gift

girlfriend dumped me  before i bought her a gift   Success Kid

internet connection dies while torrenting they're on to me

internet connection dies while torrenting they're on to me  Paranoid Parrot


LOSES ARGUMENT WITH STUDENT Kicks student out  Scumbag Teacher