Reddit y u no have good search

Reddit y u no have good search   Y U No

sees shopping cart in empty parking space puts it back

sees shopping cart in empty parking space puts it back  Good Guy Greg

Doesn't support products made for women's reproductive organs Is a douchebag

Doesn't support products made for women's reproductive organs Is a douchebag  Rick Santorum

Complains about shitheads like Santorum Allows shitheads like Santorum to get into the position he is in

Complains about shitheads like Santorum Allows shitheads like Santorum to get into the position he is in  Scumbag america

if you didnt want a political shit storm on facebook Then you shouldn't have made a political remark on facebook

if you didnt want a political shit storm on facebook Then you shouldn't have made a political remark on facebook  Captain Hindsight

I can't believe that people are still going to vote for Obama after all he's put us through voting for rick santorum

I can't believe that people are still going to vote for Obama after all he's put us through voting for rick  santorum  Scumbag Christian

Checked bank account More money than I thought I had

Checked bank account More money than I thought I had  Success Kid

Remembers all the stuff you have to do Procrastinates doing it, while stressing out about not doing it.

Remembers all the stuff you have to do Procrastinates doing it, while stressing out about not doing it.  Scumbag Brain

I know youre at a funeral right now But lets think about that funny moment that happened yesterday

I know youre at a funeral right now But lets think about that funny moment that happened yesterday  Scumbag Brain

Grows Pot hopes it stays illegal so he can make more money

Grows Pot hopes it stays illegal so he can make more money  Scumbag Steve