have you ever seen titanic YES! i loved how one of the two lesbians just drowned at the end

have you ever seen titanic YES! i loved how one of the two lesbians just drowned at the end   Inception

cute girl speaks up in class excuse to stare at her

cute girl speaks up in class   excuse to stare at her  Socially Awkward Penguin

Imagines the audience naked during a presentation gets a boner

Imagines the audience naked during a presentation gets a boner  Socially Awkward Penguin

Gives long homework assignment over spring break. "You will have even more time to work on it!"

Gives long homework assignment over spring break.

What do you call a nun in a wheelchair? Virgin Mobile

What do you call a nun in a wheelchair? Virgin Mobile  Bad Joke Eel

Puts back diapers and formula to be able to pay cahsier Still purchases two cartons of cigarettes and a case of beer

Puts back diapers and formula to be able to pay cahsier Still purchases two cartons of cigarettes and a case of beer  Scumbag Steve

If 'Dick" is a common nickname for 'Richard' Shouldn't we be saying 'Dick Santorum?'

If 'Dick

One night stand Accidentally says "I love you" when they leave

One night stand Accidentally says

Loses Arguement of Facebook Deletes his comments so it looks like you are talking to yourself

Loses Arguement of Facebook Deletes his comments so it looks like you are talking to yourself  Scumbag Steve

Is Asked for help at store he doesn't work at Helps customer anyways

Is Asked for help at store he doesn't work at Helps customer anyways  Good Guy Greg