I tried to roar like a lion And everyone laughed

I tried to roar like a lion And everyone laughed  First World Problems Cat

I love chocolate chip cookies oatmeal raisin...

I love chocolate chip cookies oatmeal raisin...  Sad Keanu

finishes exam at same time as person next to him remains seated for a minute so professor doesn't think he cheated

finishes exam at same time as person next to him  remains seated for a minute so professor doesn't think he cheated   Socially Awkward Penguin

notice there is no toilet paper before you start pooping

notice there is no toilet paper before you start pooping  Success Kid

"Sorry bro I really can't make it to your wedding.." "Perhapes next time"

At a funeral. remembers funniest joke you ever heard.

At a funeral. remembers funniest joke you ever heard.   Scumbag Brain

Someone didn't refill the Brita pitcher and now I have to wait 30 seconds for water

Someone didn't refill the Brita pitcher and now I have to wait 30 seconds for water  First World Problems

School is closed due to weather but i'm already up and showered.

School is closed due to weather but i'm already up and showered.  First World Problems

You're 15 with a dog tag necklace? Tell me all about your experience in the armed forces

You're 15 with a dog tag necklace? Tell me all about your experience in the armed forces  Condescending Wonka

tries holding the door for cute girl mens bathroom

tries holding the door for cute girl  mens bathroom  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin