Not sure if neighbor's baby crying Or If stray cats having sex

Not sure if neighbor's baby crying Or If stray cats having sex   Futurama Fry

If someone is reading they don't want to be talked to

If someone is reading they don't want to be talked to  Actual Advice Mallard

Don't like the taste of water? Go exercise. When you're done it will be the most delicious drink you've ever had.

Don't like the taste of water? Go exercise. When you're done it will be the most delicious drink you've ever had.  Actual Advice Mallard

Drives slower than the speed limit in the fast lane Speeds up when you try to pass him

Drives slower than the speed limit in the fast lane Speeds up when you try to pass him  Scumbag Steve

two girls hold two different doors open for me quickly examines which girl is cuter so i know which door to take. runs into the divider separating both doors

two girls hold two different doors open for me quickly examines which girl is cuter so i know which door to take.
runs into the divider separating both doors  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

Carried laundry from laundry room to bedroom without dropping a sock

Carried laundry from laundry room to bedroom without dropping a sock  Success Kid

sees that you're a beautiful young women with a big busty chest still gives you a ticket for speeding

sees that you're a beautiful young women with a big busty chest still gives you a ticket for speeding  Good Guy Cop

Tells you to write a paper on a personal life changing event tells you that your class mates are going to proof readit...after it was turned in

Tells you to write a paper on a personal life changing event  tells you that your class mates are going to proof readit...after it was turned in  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Dresses in Suit and Tie for Interview Phone Interview

Dresses in Suit and Tie for Interview Phone Interview  Socially Awkward Penguin

Notices you're standing close to the edge of a very high place and don't want to fall Makes your legs shake

Notices you're standing close to the edge of a very high place and don't want to fall Makes your legs shake  Scumbag Brain