What if prehistoric humans never lived in caves And all those cave paintings are just bathroom graffiti

What if prehistoric humans never lived in caves And all those cave paintings are just bathroom graffiti  Philosoraptor

It's not my job to know the answer It's your job to find it

It's not my job to know the answer It's your job to find it  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Poured a bowl of cereal no milk

Poured a bowl of cereal no milk  First World Problems

Life is short? False. Living is the longest thing you will ever do.

Life is short? False. 
Living is the longest thing you will ever do.  Dwight

Incredibly beautiful and touching story username: Satan_mcrape

Incredibly beautiful and touching story username:  Satan_mcrape  Scumbag Redditor

goes to the grocery store leaves shopping cart in empty parking space

goes to the grocery store leaves shopping cart in empty parking space  Scumbag Steve

What if my love life is a disaster because i didn't forward those chain emails in 7th grade

What if my love life is a disaster  because i didn't forward those chain emails in 7th grade  conspiracy keanu

That time machine really did a number on me. Know where I can get some bud? Walmart.

That time machine really did a number on me. Know where I can get some bud? Walmart.  The Rock Driving

Say goodbye to your family I'm taking you on a romantic weekend getaway

Say goodbye to your family I'm taking you on a romantic weekend getaway  Dating Site Murderer

text crush all day long see them in person and don't say a word

text crush all day long see them in person and don't say a word  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin