What if the placebo effect isn't real and sugar pills just have magical healing powers

What if the placebo effect isn't real and sugar pills just have magical healing powers  conspiracy keanu

I want the blanket over my face But I also want fresh air

I want the blanket over my face But I also want fresh air  First World Problems

Saw cheating ex she got fat

Saw cheating ex she got fat  Success Kid

what if i told you not every silence in a conversation is awkward

what if i told you not every silence in a conversation is awkward  Matrix Morpheus

having sex for money is illegal unless its filmed and distributed?

having sex for money is illegal unless its filmed and distributed?  Philosoraptor

Not sure if i see the same Asian guy around campus every day Or I'm just racist

Not sure if i see the same Asian guy around campus every day   Or I'm just racist  Futurama Fry

i can't get a job because of this damn economy hasn't filled out an application in 5 years

i can't get a job because of this damn economy hasn't filled out an application in 5 years  Redneck Randal

cheats off you during a test Notices something blatantly wrong and lets you know

cheats off you during a test Notices something blatantly wrong and lets you know  Good Guy Greg

What if Axe body spray was invented by women To more easily identify douchebags

What if Axe body spray was invented by women To more easily identify douchebags  conspiracy keanu

You've been doing well in school lately? Removes all motivation

You've been doing well in school lately? Removes all motivation  Scumbag Brain