the only person restricting your potential is you

the only person restricting your potential is you  Courage Wolf

Too early to go to bed But too late to take a nap

Too early to go to bed But too late to take a nap  First World Problems

Takes girl back to his cave Doesn't club her

Takes girl back to his cave Doesn't club her  Good Guy Grog

" omg i hate people!" has 1,000 friends on facebook

Not sure if getting sick Or just allergies

Not sure if getting sick Or just allergies  Futurama Fry

Not sure if I'm incredibly intelligent. Or if everyone else is just stupid as fuck.

Not sure if I'm incredibly intelligent. Or if everyone else is just stupid as fuck.  Futurama Fry

If you schedule an 8am class You're gonna have a bad time

If you schedule an 8am class You're gonna have a bad time  Super Cool Ski Instructor

Children must always wear a seat belt Except if you put 50 of them in one vehicle

Children must always wear a seat belt Except if you put 50 of them in one vehicle  Scumbag Seat Belt Laws

The bank wouldn't accept my deposit of $10,000+ in cash At the drive thru

The bank wouldn't accept my deposit of $10,000+ in cash At the drive thru  First World Problems

what if i told you you're in the frienzone because you are ugly, not because you aren't a douche

what if i told you you're in the frienzone because you are ugly, not because you aren't a douche  Matrix Morpheus