First kiss gets mono

First kiss gets mono  Bad Luck Brian

water goes down the wrong pipe in class chokes quietly so no one is disturbed

water goes down the wrong pipe in class chokes quietly so no one is disturbed  Socially Awkward Penguin

If being hipster is mainstream and I am not a hipster Does that make me a hipster?

If being hipster is mainstream and I am not a hipster Does that make me a hipster?  Philosoraptor

"Hey man, hit it and quit it" Has never touched a girl

"This material isn't that difficult." Dedicated his entire academic and professional career on that one subject.

Does something in photoshop Doesn't call himself a graphic designer.

Does something in photoshop Doesn't call himself a graphic designer.  Good Guy Greg

She wanted to play hard to get Now She's playing Hard to find...

She wanted to play hard to get Now She's playing Hard to find...  Karate Kyle

Teacher hands out an anonymous survey to the class Changes handwriting

Teacher hands out an anonymous survey to the class Changes handwriting  Paranoid Parrot

If you think that mother nature is different than any other woman You're gonna have a bad time

If you think that mother nature is different than any other woman You're gonna have a bad time  Super Cool Ski Instructor

parents asked me what I want for my birthday but I can't think of anything because I have everything

parents asked me what I want for my birthday but I can't think of anything because I have everything  First World Problems