I accidentally closed a youtube tab playing my song

I accidentally closed  a youtube tab playing my song  First World Problems

The word of the day is "legs." Let's go back to my place and spread the word.

The word of the day is

I'm such a computer geek Microsoft Office? Is that where they make Windows?

I'm such a computer geek Microsoft Office? Is that where they make Windows?  Idiot Nerd Girl

Hey baby i got my ion you

Hey baby i got my ion you  Chemistry Cat

If john has 50 candy bars and eats 45 how many does he have? Diabetes. john has diabetes.

If john has 50 candy bars and eats 45 how many does he have? Diabetes. john has diabetes.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Ask girl to prom, she says yes immediately thank her

Ask girl to prom, she says yes immediately thank her  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

Oh, you have a cross tattoo You must know a lot about Christianity

Oh, you have a cross tattoo You must know a lot about Christianity  Condescending Wonka

I'm so full That it's uncomfortable

I'm so full That it's uncomfortable  First World Problems

If a redhead works at a bakery Does that make him a ginger bread man?

If  a redhead works at a bakery Does that make him a ginger bread man?  Philosoraptor

hey Bro, are these clippers for your balls or your beard? yes

hey Bro, are these clippers for your balls or your beard? yes  Foul Bachelor Frog