If you text your ex when you're drunk You're gonna have a bad time

If you text your ex when you're drunk You're gonna have a bad time  Super Cool Ski Instructor

Slept through first class of the day Cancelled

Slept through first class of the day Cancelled  Success Kid

Why is it called taking a shit if you are leaving it behind?

Why is it called taking a shit if you are leaving it behind?  Philosoraptor

Not sure if years on the internets has desensitized me or dead inside

Not sure if years on the internets has desensitized me or dead inside  Futurama Fry

I Showered so long My hot water ran out

I Showered so long My hot water ran out  First World Problems

dives into pool quadriplegic

dives into pool quadriplegic   Bad Luck Brian

Not a coffee Drinker Always first to the office, so makes coffee anyway

Not a coffee Drinker Always first to the office, so makes coffee anyway  Good Guy Greg

"today we're watching a video" leaves mouse in the middle of the screen

Not sure if test was easy or got everything wrong

Not sure if test was easy or got everything wrong  Futurama Fry

take dogs out to pee before bed bring wallet so they can identify the body

take dogs out to pee before bed bring wallet so they can identify the body  Paranoid Parrot