Asks girl out as an april fools joke she said yes

Asks girl out as an april fools joke she said yes  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Not sure if found true love amidst soul crushing bureaucracy or just getting set up for throughtcrime

Not sure if found true love amidst soul crushing bureaucracy or just getting set up for throughtcrime   Futurama Fry

Is president of Santorum fan club

Is president of Santorum fan club  Scumbag Santorum

If you bring your toddler to the restaurant Everyone else is gonna have a bad time

If you bring your toddler to the restaurant Everyone else is gonna have a bad time  Super Cool Ski Instructor

eats Halloween candy without his parents checking it razor blades

eats Halloween candy without his parents checking it razor blades  Bad Luck Brian

My family is like a fine wine Locked up in a barrel in the cellar

My family is like a fine wine Locked up in a barrel in the cellar  Vengeance Dad

switched to geico didn't save money

switched to geico didn't save money  Bad Luck Brian

Not sure if actually have free time Or just forgetting everything

Not sure if actually have free time Or just forgetting everything  Futurama Fry

Only seat open on bus is next to attractive girl pretends not to see and stands

Only seat open on bus is next to attractive girl pretends not to see and stands  Socially Awkward Penguin

Oh, you're flicking off the camera in your profile pic You must be so hardcore

Oh, you're flicking off the camera in your profile pic You must be so hardcore  Condescending Wonka