It not the sun in my face that hurts my eyes It's your face

It not the sun in my face that hurts my eyes It's your face   Grumpy Cat

Tries to imagine interviewers naked gets boner

Tries to imagine interviewers naked gets boner   Socially Awkward Penguin

Giant redwoods? you mean toothpicks?

Giant redwoods? you mean toothpicks?  overly manly man

The amount of stupid facebook status updates that nobody gives a shit about Is too damn high

The amount of stupid facebook status updates that nobody gives a shit about Is too damn high  Jimmy McMillan

I broke your Iphone No more talking to siri

I broke your Iphone No more talking to siri   Overly Attached Girlfriend

How many push-ups can I do? All of them

How many push-ups can I do? All of them  overly manly man

I don't always hit a Sand wedge 170 yards but when I do, it's from a greenside bunker

I don't always hit a Sand wedge 170 yards but when I do, it's from a greenside bunker  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Goes for ride in car, gets shit on by bird through sun roof while moving

Goes for ride in car, gets shit on by bird through sun roof while moving   Bad Luck Brian

They said I would never get ahead in life Now I have 3 in the freezer

They said I would never get ahead in life Now I have 3 in the freezer  Karate Kyle

Forgot I was watching a recording Sat through commercials

Forgot I was watching a 
recording Sat through commercials  First World Problems