kim kardashian? too short wouldnt bang

kim kardashian? too short wouldnt bang  Butthurt Dweller

watches star trek the movie omg I'm such a nerd!

watches star trek the movie omg I'm such a nerd!  Annoying Facebook Girl

You tell that clown, the next time i find apples in my Happy Meal We will be adding 2 more balls to the McPlay Place pit

You tell that clown, the next time i find apples in my Happy Meal We will be adding 2 more balls to the McPlay Place pit   Baby Godfather

My friend left her facebook logged in, so I changed her post visibility settings so only she could see them. And the lack of comments and likes is driving her crazy.

My friend left her facebook logged in, so I changed her post visibility settings so only she could see them. And the lack of comments and likes is driving her crazy.  Confession Bear

I will eat your skin Off your chicken if you don't want it.

I will eat your skin Off your chicken if you don't want it.  Dating Site Murderer

I'm having an affair with Mr. CLean

I'm having an affair with Mr. CLean   Skinhead John

Have to babysit a kid Sleeps the whole time, get paid to pet a cat

Have to babysit a kid Sleeps the whole time, get paid to pet a cat  Success Kid

Calculess? Why Not Calcumore?

Calculess? Why Not Calcumore?  High Expectations Asian Father

Barbed wire? you mean dental floss

Barbed wire? you mean dental floss   overly manly man

I noticed you buy your puzzles secondhand i too like to live dangerously

I noticed you buy your puzzles secondhand i too like to live dangerously  Dangerously - Austin Powers