Poops at friend's house for the first time Clogs toilet

Poops at friend's house for the first time Clogs toilet  Bad Luck Brian

Loves brunettes lives in sweden

Loves brunettes lives in sweden  Bad Luck Brian

Wears tank top to gym Because he gets terrible pit stains

Wears tank top to gym Because he gets terrible pit stains   Misunderstood douchebag

That guy just said he'd give me a pearl necklace for free

That guy just said 
he'd give me a pearl necklace for free  Sexually Oblivious Female

If she left her boyfriend for you You're gonna have a bad time

If she left her boyfriend for you You're gonna have a bad time  Super Cool Ski Instructor

knows you're broke provides free beer at birthday party

knows you're broke provides free beer at birthday party  Misc

I hate Google. They are evil and horrible. I will never use google! 10 minutes later... Buys an Android phone.

I hate Google. They are evil and horrible. I will never use google! 10 minutes later...
Buys an Android phone.  Idiot Nerd Girl

some PEOPLE NEED A HIGHFIVE.... ...IN THE FACE... WITH a chair.... ...made of steal...

some PEOPLE NEED A HIGHFIVE.... ...IN THE FACE... WITH a chair.... ...made of steal...  Misc

Oh, you are 19 and still live with your parents. Tell me all about how much you know about the real world.

Oh, you are 19 and still live with your parents. Tell me all about how much you know about the real world.  Condescending Wonka

we had an art project due so i just took your old one that mom had on the wall

we had an art project due so i just took your old one that mom had on the wall  Lazy Elementary School Kid