You wanna take my nose Ill take your life

You wanna take my nose Ill take your life  Baby Godfather

Don't try to understand women Women understand women and they hate each other

Don't try to understand women Women understand women and they hate each other   Words of Wisdom

if you are getting passed by cars on the right you are probably in the wrong lane

if you are getting passed by cars on the right you are probably 
in the wrong lane  Actual Advice Mallard

she said sorry when she bumped into me So I guess you can say things are getting pretty serious

she said sorry when she bumped into me So I guess you can say things are getting pretty serious  Things are getting pretty serious

frost bite? you mean an ice tan

frost bite? you mean an ice tan  overly manly man

Fills schedule with women studies and english courses Is upset at lack of women in science and math courses

Fills schedule with women studies and english courses Is upset at lack of women in science and math courses  College Liberal

Ways to tell a woman's mad at you: 1. she's silent 2. she's yelling 3. she acts the same 4. she acts different 5. she murdered you

Ways to tell a woman's mad at you: 1. she's silent 2. she's yelling 3. she acts the same 4. she acts different 5. she murdered you    5 Ways To Tell A Womans Mad At You

Your mother must be the luckiest woman alive to have you inside her for 9 whole months.

Your mother must be the luckiest woman alive to have you inside her for 9 whole months.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

What if birds aren't singing They're just screaming because they're afraid of heights

What if birds aren't singing  They're just screaming because they're afraid of heights  Philosoraptor

not only did i suck on her tits in front of her husband she literally wiped my ass after

not only did i suck on her tits in front of her husband she literally wiped my ass after  drunk baby