"You need this textbook, we'll use it all the time." Never uses textbook.

Posts essay on reddit So grammar nazis will spell check it

Posts essay on reddit So grammar nazis will spell check it  Lazy College Senior

you don't have to make a facebook update today i just logged in to your facebook account and told everyone i'm the best girlfriend in the world

you don't have to make a facebook update today i just logged in to your facebook account and told everyone i'm the best girlfriend in the world  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Too lazy to wear a bra Hold boobs with hands when running up or down stairs

Too lazy to wear a bra Hold boobs with hands when running up or down stairs  Foul Bachelorette Frog

we had an art project due so i just took your old one that mom had on the wall

we had an art project due so i just took your old one that mom had on the wall  Lazy Elementary School Kid

Sprays frebreze on dirty clothes clean clothes

Sprays frebreze on dirty clothes  clean clothes  Foul Bachelor Frog

Pick-up Line? You mean mustache

Pick-up Line?  You mean mustache  overly manly man

I dropped my Macbook On my other Macbook

I dropped my Macbook On my other Macbook  First World Problems

Pays for your dinner Constantly reminds you and makes you feel guilty

Pays for your dinner Constantly reminds you and makes you feel guilty  Scumbag Steve

Happy Two week anniversary Here's the key to my apartment

Happy Two week anniversary Here's the key to my apartment  Overly Attached Girlfriend