"Dry Clean Only"? More like "never wash again."

Wife decided her favorite form of foreplay is to give me a blowjob

Wife decided her favorite form of foreplay is to give me a blowjob  Success Kid

Not sure if staring at boobs because I'm reading her shirt or if reading her shirt because I'm staring at boobs

Not sure if staring at boobs because I'm reading her shirt or if reading her shirt because I'm staring at boobs  Futurama Fry

Pizza rolls are gushers with sauce and cheese

Pizza rolls are gushers with sauce and cheese  10 Guy

I don't always wait for a long time for a website to load but when I do, it loads at the very same time i close the browser

I don't always wait for a long time for a website to load but when I do, it loads at the very same time i close the browser  The Most Interesting Man In The World

i wish ppl would lern the differences btwn "ur" and "ure" omg im such an gramr nazi !

i wish ppl would lern the differences btwn

Breaks up with girlfriend realizes all my friends were actually just her friends

Breaks up with girlfriend realizes all my friends were actually just her friends  Forever Alone

I love eminem!!! SLim shady? who is that?

I love eminem!!! SLim shady? who is that?  Musically Oblivious 8th Grader

Wrote the first sentence of the introduction of a term paper Let's call it a day

Wrote the first sentence of the introduction of a term paper Let's call it a day  Lazy College Senior

Not sure if i like her or just really want a girlfriend

Not sure if i like her  or just really want a girlfriend  Futurama Fry