blames the computer if there's a problem with you. blames you if there's a problem with the computer.

blames the computer if there's a problem with you. blames you if there's a problem with the computer.   Scumbag Parents

Gets stood up on the first date Hooks up with waitress from the restaurant

Gets stood up on the first date Hooks up with waitress from the restaurant  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Autotune is like make-up for your voice

Autotune is like make-up for your voice  10 Guy

do agnostics start prayers by saying "to whom it may concern"

do agnostics start prayers by saying

Yolo? Maybe if you're a pussy.

Yolo? Maybe if you're a pussy.  overly manly man

Not sure if no longer want a girlfriend Or I have just accepted I just can't get one

Not sure if no longer want a girlfriend Or I have just accepted I just can't get one  Futurama Fry

wore a shirt under a sweatshirt all day no one saw it, ill wear it tomorrow

wore a shirt under a sweatshirt all day no one saw it, ill wear it tomorrow  Foul Bachelor Frog

the 90 inch HD tv i've just bought won't fit in my porsche

the 90 inch HD tv i've just bought won't fit in my porsche  First World Problems

Step in shower turn shower on

Step in shower turn shower on  Insanity Wolf

the channel i switch to during commercials is also showing commercials

the channel i switch to during commercials is also showing commercials  First World Problems