Came home drunk Charged phone

Came home drunk Charged phone  Success Kid

When I get paid at work They're buying part of my life

When I get paid at work  They're buying part of my life  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Sits on park bench. About to leave when someone else sits next to him Waits a minute, for the person not to think he left because of them

Sits on park bench. About to leave when someone else sits next to him Waits a minute, for the person not to think he left because of them  Socially Awkward Penguin

I wish I had a time machine so I could hold you as a baby.

I wish I had a time machine so I could hold you as a baby.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

have a sore throat better swallow every second just to be sure

have a sore throat better swallow every second just to be sure   Scumbag Brain

Tries to hold back a sneeze in class farts

Tries to hold back a sneeze in class farts  Socially Awkward Penguin

When I see 30 pictures of someone's DIY project I skip straight to the end to see how it worked out.

When I see 30 pictures of someone's DIY project I skip straight to the end to see how it worked out.  Confession Bear

If reddit is a link sharing site isn't every post a repost?

If reddit is a link sharing site isn't every post a repost?  Philosoraptor

You've said I love you 86 times I've been counting

You've said I love you 86 times I've been counting  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Not sure if nice ass or just yoga pants

Not sure if nice ass or just yoga pants  Futurama Fry