Oh, Ignore me, I'm just loading my rifle of course, you can take my daughter to prom night

Oh, Ignore me, I'm just loading my rifle of course, you can take my daughter to prom night   Your Dad Is Lovely

I like my coffee like I like my women in the kitchen where they belong

I like my coffee like I like my women in the kitchen where they belong  Redneck Randal

I don't always correct someone's spelling but when I do, I google it first so I don't make an ass of myself

I don't always correct someone's spelling but when I do, I google it first so I don't make an ass of myself  The Most Interesting Man In The World

Men have feelings too! For example, we feel hungry.

Men have feelings too!  For example, we feel hungry.  overly manly man

If you loan someone 50 bucks and never hear from them again it was worth 50 bucks

If you loan someone 50 bucks and never hear from them again  it was worth 50 bucks   Actual Advice Mallard

My GF kicks my ass in a video game she thinks I'm going easy

My GF kicks my ass in a video game she thinks I'm going easy   Success Kid

nothing rhymes with orange? False. nothing and orange do not rhyme.

nothing rhymes with orange? False.
nothing and orange do not rhyme.  Dwight

cheese doodle falls pick it up with your foot and eat it

 cheese doodle falls pick it up with your foot and eat it  Foul Bachelor Frog

serves as job reference says just the right words to cover your faults

serves as job reference says just the right words to cover your faults  Misc

listen, sugar tits your milk better be a lot sweeter by morning. got it?

listen, sugar tits your milk better be a lot sweeter by morning.  got it?   Baby Godfather