Remember that place you put that thing so you wouldn't forget it? Yeah, me neither.

Remember that place you put that thing so you wouldn't forget it? Yeah, me neither.   Scumbag Brain

Midterm worth 40% tomorrow better go buy the textbook

Midterm worth 40% tomorrow better go buy the textbook  Lazy College Senior

Babe, i know what it looked like but she was just changing my diaper

Babe, i know what it looked like but she was just changing my diaper  Tough Love Baby

Co-worker changes last name. Congratulate her on the wedding. She just got divorced.

Co-worker changes last name. Congratulate her on the wedding. She just got divorced.  Socially Awkward Penguin

President Obama has been a tremendous inspiration for black people Not only did he get a job he kept it for four years

President Obama has been a tremendous inspiration for black people Not only did he get a job he kept it for four years  Relatable Romney

"I need to leave class early today" "I've got a note from my mom if you need to see it"

Motorboats some tits at a Halloween party Sneezes

Motorboats some  tits at a Halloween party Sneezes  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

Bandaid? you mean bitch sticker?

Bandaid? you mean bitch sticker?  overly manly man

bottle opener? what am i? handicapped?

bottle opener?  what am i? handicapped?  overly manly man

Disneyland is a giant people trap operated by a mouse

Disneyland is a giant people trap operated by a mouse  Sudden Clarity Clarence