Drinks first Sam Adams becomes an expert on craft beers

Drinks first Sam Adams becomes an expert on craft beers  College Freshman

sick of dishes in sink Throws them away

sick of dishes in sink Throws them away  Foul Bachelor Frog

Not sure if roof rack or cop car

Not sure if roof rack or cop car  Futurama Fry

Pushes door that says "pull" Turns around and goes home

Pushes door that says

Dude, if you look in the mirror with your eyes shut You can see what you look like when you're asleep.

Dude, if you look in the mirror with your eyes shut You can see what you look like when you're asleep.  10 Guy

After our date, I'm going to shoot you a quick text to make sure you got home safely

After our date, I'm going to shoot you a quick text to make sure you got home safely  Dating Site Murderer

Sorry I'm late I was getting blown by Sandy

Sorry I'm late I was getting blown by Sandy  Inappropriate Timing Bill Clinton

What if when we die, that light at the end of the tunnel Is the opening of another vagina

What if when we die, that light at the end of the tunnel Is the opening of another vagina  Philosoraptor

Went to bed drunk, woke up without a hangover IM STILL DRUNK

Went to bed drunk, woke up without a hangover IM STILL DRUNK   Sudden Clarity Clarence

not sure if i'm attractive and intimidating to women or ugly and disgusting to them

not sure if i'm attractive and intimidating to women  or ugly and disgusting to them  Futurama Fry