Brushing my teeth right before bedtime makes me less sleepy

Brushing my teeth right before bedtime makes me less sleepy  First World Problems

I can't fight with my boyfriend Because he does everything right

I can't fight with my boyfriend Because he does everything right   First World Problems

Wire strippers? You mean my finger nails?

Wire strippers?  You mean my finger nails?  overly manly man

Man who smoke weed on toilet is high on pot

Man who smoke weed on toilet is high on pot  Confucius says

Introduces you to his friendgroup Keeps calling them by name to help you remember

Introduces you to his friendgroup Keeps calling them by name to help you remember  Misc

in a room full of people and I need to clear my throat better hold it, or they'll think I have something to say

in a room full of people and I need to clear my throat better hold it, or they'll think I have something to say  Paranoid Parrot

farts in the car raises radio volume to cover smell

farts in the car raises radio volume to cover smell  10 Guy

on facebook it says you're interested in women You shouldn't be interested in any woman but me.

on facebook it says you're interested in women You shouldn't be interested in any woman but me.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Deactivates Facebook to live a more fulfilling life Joins Reddit

Deactivates Facebook to live a more fulfilling life Joins Reddit  Bad Luck Brian

sees you wasting time 15 minute lecture on time wasting

sees you wasting time 15 minute lecture on time wasting  Unhelpful High School Teacher