oh, fuck you and your happiness

oh, fuck you and your happiness  Misc

Oh, you got 15 minutes of homework done? Better reward yourself with 6 hours of aimless web surfing

Oh, you got 15 minutes of homework done? Better reward yourself with 6 hours of aimless web surfing   Scumbag Brain

You're telling me food with too many calories is bad food?

You're telling me food with too many calories is bad food?  Skeptical Third World Kid

Game Auto-Saves Better save it manually just to be sure

Game Auto-Saves Better save it manually just to be sure  Paranoid Parrot

Went to the mall didn't hear any Christmas music

Went to the mall didn't hear any Christmas music   Success Kid

When i see little people I want to jump over them

When i see little people I want to jump over them  Confession Bear

Me: "One sec, I have to grab my scarf" Dad: "You mean your beard?"


Reads socially akward Pengiun Memes Can relate to every single one

Reads socially akward Pengiun Memes Can relate to every single one  Socially Awkward Penguin

Ask a girl to go drinking with you she's a recovering alcoholic

Ask a girl to go drinking with you she's a recovering alcoholic  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

if analog clocks disappear clockwise and counterclockwise wll be meaningless

if analog clocks disappear clockwise and counterclockwise wll be meaningless   Sudden Clarity Clarence