Not sure if girls at work think i look good today or are just surprised i own nice clothes

Not sure if girls at work think i look good today or are just surprised i own nice clothes  Futurama Fry

It's the most terrible time of the year

It's the most terrible time of the year  merry christmas

Merry fuck you

Merry fuck you  merry christmas

takes bad yearbook photo "what's the worst that could happen?"

takes bad yearbook photo

Hypochondria is the only illness that hypochondriacs won't imagine they have

Hypochondria is the only illness that hypochondriacs won't imagine they have  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Kristen Stewart should be a mathematician she's always simplifying expressions

Kristen Stewart should be a mathematician she's always simplifying expressions  Lame Pun Coon

Went grocery shopping got a cart with four functional wheels

Went grocery shopping got a cart with four functional wheels  Success Kid

Buys cute girl from class coffee doesn't need coffee anymore due to adrenaline rush

Buys cute girl from class coffee doesn't need coffee anymore due to adrenaline rush  Socially Awkward Penguin

Asked girl if she has a boyfriend She says "It's up to you"

Asked girl if she has a boyfriend She says

drove by a cop at 80 mph didn't get pulled over

drove by a cop at 80 mph didn't get pulled over  Success Kid