asks cute guy if he's doing anything tonight "i am now"

asks cute guy if he's doing anything tonight

Nice guys finish last is a sexual innuendo

Nice guys finish last is a sexual innuendo   Sudden Clarity Clarence

is mentioned in wealthy aunt's will owes her 20 bucks

is mentioned in wealthy aunt's will owes her 20 bucks  Bad Luck Brian

finally has a three way prison

finally has a three way prison  Bad Luck Brian

3+5? Better use calculator

3+5? Better use calculator  Paranoid Parrot

Gets pulled over by cop Lets cop off with a warning.

Gets pulled over by cop Lets cop off with a warning.  overly manly man

Takes picture Pretending to fall off Grand Canyon Actually falls off

Takes picture Pretending to fall off Grand Canyon  Actually falls off  Bad Luck Brian

did you hear that the Energizer bunny was arrested? he was charged with battery

did you hear that the Energizer bunny was arrested? he was charged with battery  Bad Joke Eel

opens microwave before timer goes off doesn't clear the time for the next guy

opens microwave before timer goes off  doesn't clear the time for the next guy  Scumbag Steve

I am thankful for you Getting one day closer to dying

I am thankful for you Getting one day closer to dying  Misc