"Your homework is worth 5% of your grade" Nice, no homework.

DROPPED SOAP IN SHOWER caught it before it hit the floor

DROPPED SOAP IN SHOWER caught it before it hit the floor  Success Kid

Walks behind girl with yoga pants For the entire 20 minute walk to class

Walks behind girl with yoga pants For the entire 20 minute walk to class  Success Kid

A bra is a booby trap

A bra is a booby trap  10 Guy

Spilled coffee on my pants Wore coffee-colored pants today

Spilled coffee on my pants Wore coffee-colored pants today  Success Kid

Ice just Floats around in its own blood

Ice just  Floats around in its own blood  10 Guy

dude, china is like the chinatown of the world.

dude, china is like the chinatown of the world.  10 Guy

Slight chest discomfort Better write my will

Slight chest discomfort Better write my will  Paranoid Parrot

Schools Thanksgiving break starts Wednesday Started last Friday

Schools Thanksgiving break starts Wednesday  Started last Friday  Lazy College Senior

Not sure if I drink because life sucks or if life sucks because I drink

Not sure if I drink because life sucks or if life sucks because I drink   Futurama Fry