Gets courage to asks a legitimate question during a lecture To focused on making smart facial expression to listen to professors answer

Gets courage to asks a legitimate question during a lecture To focused on making smart facial expression to listen to professors answer  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

Asks cute classmate out She drops the class

Asks cute classmate out She drops the class  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

took off hoodie didn't flash the whole room

took off hoodie didn't flash the whole room  Success Kid

Goes to opera for 1st time Parents aren't murdered

Goes to opera for 1st time Parents aren't murdered   Success Kid

i don't always clear my calculator but when i do, i hit both 'C' and 'CE' a bunch of times because i don't know exactly what they do

i don't always clear my calculator but when i do, i hit both 'C' and 'CE' a bunch of times because i don't know exactly what they do  The Most Interesting Man In The World

i shit you not the airplane was coming straight for my mouth

i shit you not the airplane was coming straight for my mouth  drunk baby

Gyms are for kids to play dodgeball men chop wood and dig ditches to "work out"

Gyms are for kids to play dodgeball men chop wood and dig ditches to

Not sure if young trophy wife Or adult daughter still living at home

Not sure if young trophy wife Or adult daughter still living at home  Futurama Fry

mans up enough to message crush on facebook Gets sick to stomach from adrenaline

mans up enough to message crush on facebook Gets sick to stomach from adrenaline  Socially Awkward Penguin

Gets promoted to manager Apologizes to people when asking them to do things

Gets promoted to manager Apologizes to people when asking them to do things  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin