puts wrong smiley on text message makes it more sexual

puts wrong smiley on text message makes it more sexual  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

If you turn a taco sideways It turns into a sandwich

If you turn a taco sideways It turns into a sandwich  10 Guy

why would i buy a dishwasher? i married one

why would i buy a dishwasher? i married one  overly manly man

The worst part about christmas Is writing down all the presents I want

The worst part about christmas Is writing down all the presents I want  First World Problems

Stereo breaks at work Doesn't have to listen to Christmas music

Stereo breaks at work  Doesn't have to listen to Christmas music  Success Kid

23 years old and still seated at the kids table for thanksgiving... Doesn't have to listen to nutjob relatives argue about politics

23 years old and still seated at the kids table for thanksgiving... Doesn't have to listen to nutjob relatives argue about politics  Success Kid

i shot a cop an email thanking him for serving and protecting the community

i shot a cop an email thanking him for serving and protecting the community  Successful Black Man

I had so much food on my plate It got cold before i could eat it all

I had so much food on my plate It got cold before i could eat it all  First World Problems

The world is ending next month About time

The world is ending next month About time  Misc

I don't always go to walmart but when I do, i'm reminded that i hit the genetic lottery

I don't always go to walmart but when I do, i'm reminded that i hit the genetic lottery  The Most Interesting Man In The World