When i see a fat person walking to a car i watch to see how much the car dips when they get in

When i see a fat person walking to a car i watch to see how much the car dips when they get in  Confession Bear

I used to be a 10 Then you were born

I used to be a 10 Then you were born  Forever Resentful Mother

What do you say we go behind this rock and seal the deal

What do you say we go behind this rock and seal the deal  Crazy Secret

Sticks nose in girl's crotch "Oh, he's so cute!"

Sticks nose in girl's crotch

You hold the door for him at Starbucks He waits and lets you go in line in front of him

You hold the door for him at Starbucks He waits and lets you go in line in front of him  Misc

Google maps said the walk would take 23 minutes Did it in 17

Google maps said the walk would take 23 minutes Did it in 17  Success Kid

I don't like morning people Or mornings... or People

I don't like morning people Or mornings... or People  Grumpy Cat

You think finals week is really hard? let me know how working 60 hours a week turns out

You think finals week is really hard? let me know how working 60 hours a week turns out  Condescending Wonka

have yourself, a merry little - piss off.

have yourself, a merry little -  piss off.  Grumpy Cat

Does the cinnamon challenge With Cocaine

Does the cinnamon challenge With Cocaine  Insanity Wolf