new gf's family is crazy but your gf seems sane? she's crazy too

new gf's family is crazy but your gf seems sane? she's crazy too  Actual Advice Mallard

She ignored my friend request I ignored her last request

She ignored my friend request I ignored her last request  Karate Kyle

Not sure if I grow facial hair really fast Or I am just bad at shaving

Not sure if I grow facial hair really fast Or I am just bad at shaving  Futurama Fry

Crossing a one-way street Looks both ways

Crossing a one-way street Looks both ways  Paranoid Parrot

I'm going to learn all your mom's favorite recipes So you'll never need her again

I'm going to learn all your mom's favorite recipes So you'll never need her again  Overly Attached Girlfriend

wins a trip for two to hawaii goes twice

wins a trip for two to hawaii goes twice  Forever Alone

Knows you have to get up early keeps you awake all night worrying about not getting enough sleep

Knows you have to get up early  keeps you awake all night worrying about not getting enough sleep  Scumbag Brain

When Someone tells me she is a strong independent woman I actually think she's just very lonely

When Someone tells me she is a strong independent woman I actually think she's just very lonely  Confession Bear

Got all of my textbooks as free pdfs

Got all of my textbooks as free pdfs  Success Kid

Finally get out of bed To go lay on couch

Finally get out of bed To go lay on couch  Foul Bachelor Frog