hears mexican joke espanlol

hears mexican joke espanlol  Merry mexican

Introduced to boss' paraplegic son picks up lifeless hand to shake like set of car keys

Introduced to boss' paraplegic son picks up lifeless hand to shake like set of car keys  Socially Awkward Penguin

gives lost stranger directions realizes later that they were wrong

gives lost stranger directions realizes later that they were wrong  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

My diamond earrings Keep scratching my iPhone

My diamond earrings Keep scratching my iPhone  First World Problems

Remembers joke at urinal looks like I'm laughing at my own penis

Remembers joke at urinal looks like I'm laughing at my own penis  Socially Awkward Penguin

Always hit on the hottest girl in the room If you strike out, you're not having any less sex with her

Always hit on the hottest girl in the room If you strike out, you're not having any less sex with her  Actual Advice Mallard

Nominees The language you speak with food in your mouth

Nominees The language you speak with food in your mouth
  10 Guy

Didn't enjoy Sunday due to too much alcohol on Saturday Have Monday replace the missing Sunday

Didn't enjoy Sunday due to too much alcohol on Saturday Have Monday replace the missing Sunday  Lazy College Senior

Don't try to understand women Women understand women and they hate each other

Don't try to understand women Women understand women and they hate each other  Actual Advice Mallard

What does a grape say when it gets stepped on? Nothing, it just lets out a little wine

What does a grape say when it gets stepped on? Nothing, it just lets out a little wine  Bad Joke Eel