If you want to safely pick up a prostitute, Always ask that you want to take nude pics of her only. It is not illegal and an undercover cop would never agree.

If you want to safely pick up a prostitute, Always ask that you want to take nude pics of her only. It is not illegal and an undercover cop would never agree.  Actual Advice Mallard

I often lose track of my mouse pointer On my two screen setup

I often lose track of my mouse pointer On my two screen setup  First World Problems

We get less intelligent every generation Because modern medicine has made being stupid less fatal, and stupid people have more kids

We get less intelligent every generation Because modern medicine has made being stupid less fatal, and stupid people have more kids  Sudden Clarity Clarence

Sent sext to wrong person Got nudies anyway.

Sent sext to wrong person Got nudies anyway.  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

The first letter in penis, boobs, and vagina all look like the word they represent

The first letter in 
penis, boobs, and vagina all look like the word 
they represent   Sudden Clarity Clarence

If Hooters had delivery, would it be called Knockers?

If Hooters had delivery,
 would it be called Knockers?  Philosoraptor

Sure you can have "boy's night out" 32 text messages, 45 missed calls, 18 voicemails

Sure you can have

Arcades that award tickets and prizes are casinos for kids

Arcades that award tickets and prizes are casinos for kids  Sudden Clarity Clarence

I couldn't sleep in Because my cleaning lady woke me

I couldn't sleep in Because my cleaning lady woke me  First World Problems

Not sure if I hate my job Or just "work" in general

Not sure if I hate my job Or just