Make low offer on house, too nervous to answer agents calls They think I'm playing hard ball and accept

Make low offer on house, too nervous to answer agents calls They think I'm playing hard ball and accept  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Not sure if friends actually like new gf Or if my ex was such a bitch that everyone is just noting the upgrade

Not sure if friends actually like new gf Or if my ex was such a bitch that everyone is just noting the upgrade  Futurama Fry

Girls reject me Cause I am too NIce.

Girls reject me  Cause I am too NIce.  Butthurt Dweller

Is setup on a blind date With girl that dumped him 5 years ago

Is setup on a blind date With girl that dumped him 5 years ago  Bad Luck Brian

Farts are like the screams of trapped poo

Farts are like  the screams of trapped poo  10 Guy

Got drunk alone on Valentine's day Didn't call ex girlfriend

Got drunk alone on Valentine's day Didn't call ex girlfriend  Success Kid

Girlfriend broke up with me on Valentines Day I got to return a really expensive gift

Girlfriend broke up with me on Valentines Day I got to return a really expensive gift  Success Kid

Had a date for valentine's day Had to cancel to go to work, where I was fired

Had a date for valentine's day Had to cancel to go to work, where I was fired  Bad Luck Brian

Roses are red, I'm having a baby. Marry me now, or I'll say that you raped me.

Roses are red, I'm having a baby. Marry me now, or I'll say that you raped me.  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Not sure if pet smart or pets mart

Not sure if pet smart or pets mart  Futurama Fry