what's the best thing about twenty three year olds? there's 20 of them

what's the best thing about twenty three year olds? there's 20 of them  Pedobear

Im doing a drive by food delivery for the less fortunate

Im doing a drive by food delivery for the less fortunate  Successful Black Man

Indie music? Like from India?

Indie music? Like from India?  Musically Oblivious 8th Grader

"Guys if you can just hold him off for 10 seconds." Takes an episode and misses.

Thanks, just put that box down anywhere I'll rub my face on it later

Thanks, just put that box down anywhere I'll rub my face on it later  Business Cat

I could agree with you But then we'd both be wrong

I could agree with you But then we'd both be wrong  Condescending Fox

Try to uninstall program Delete desktop shortcut

Try to uninstall program Delete desktop shortcut  Tech Impaired Duck

I have a TV show that is respected and follow by a milloin dumbasses You can't explain that

I have a TV show that is respected and follow by a milloin dumbasses You can't explain that  Bill O Reilly

feeling more hungry than usual tape worm

feeling more hungry than usual  tape worm  Online Diagnosis Octopus

Finally get a GF WTF do i do now?

Finally get a GF WTF do i do now?  Socially Awkward Penguin