Professors Y u give exams before spring break?

Professors Y u give exams before spring break?  Y U No

Not included in tournament of memes still wins tournament

Not included in  tournament of memes still wins tournament   Socially Awesome Penguin

say that the ipad 2 is a revolutionary post-pc device needs a computer for first start

say that the ipad 2 is a revolutionary post-pc device needs a computer for first start  Scumbag Steve Jobs

says the best web experience doesn't require plugins requires quicktime to view content

says the best web experience doesn't require plugins requires quicktime to view content  Scumbag Steve Jobs

eat cheetos make dog lick hand, wipe hands on dog.

eat cheetos make dog lick hand, wipe hands on dog.  Foul Bachelor Frog

What do vice presidents listen to while doing math problems? al gore rhythms

What do vice presidents listen to while doing math problems? al gore rhythms  Lame Pun Coon

they said i wasn't mainstream enough now they're under ground

they said i wasn't mainstream enough now they're under ground  Karate Kyle

So Morgan Freeman, we can end racism by not talking about it? Then if we don't talk about death, do we become immortal?

So Morgan Freeman, we can end racism by not talking about it?  Then if we don't talk about death, do we become immortal?  Philosoraptor

A man walks into a bar. The bartender says "Why the long face?" "My newborn child was just diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis"

A man walks into a bar.  
The bartender says

Yells at you for browsing reddit. Sleeps all day.

Yells at you for browsing reddit. Sleeps all day.  Business Cat